Saturday, June 5, 2010

My First Kill (06/04/10)

I woke up that morning hoping i could get an attempt at my first kill. I took some long hours trying to maximize my fit, also got some awesome tips from an experienced pirate that helped me alot. So after taking several trips back and forth from my previous home to the closest system to low-sec to move some fully fitted "Flying Wreck Type II" (See previous post.). I went on a patrol in my home region, Metropolis.

After jumping into countless systems looking for a nice target, i decide to jump into Klogori. I stumble upon this Stabber cruiser that seems to be ratting in the nearby belts. Without even thinking i start scanning around to see if i could pinpoint him down. Before i could even find his location, the Stabber pilot disappears from my overview scanner only to reappear seconds later into a Rifter. Then again, i was going berserk on the overview scanner, jumping around so i could have a try at him.

Lucky me, after going down the angles in the scanner, i was pretty sure i had a sure shot (thing is, I'm still not used to scanning down a ship fast, so it takes me some time). I jump into a belt and Bingo! there he is, waiting for me. I was surprised at my attitude when engaging him, when i used to roam around on my previous character (a wooping 4Mil SP indy character with some mixed combat skills) i was really nervous and errors were common but still, i was a tad nervous but kept total control of what i was doing. I think i kept my cool because a few days ago, i took a whole day reading strategies on the Rifter Drifter blog, things about fallout - ammo to use - orbits - speed, etc.

Straight as i jumped on him, i proceeded to web/scram him - which he did the same. I was using a "Flying Wreck Type I" which has microwarpdrive installed... so we where both orbiting each other at slow speed, taking every bit of damage. I was at disadvantage tho, had aggroed some rats that where in the belt. I was saved by the fact my enemy had a Gyro+Tracking Enhancer+Nanofiber Structure in the low slots and i had a 400mm armor plate, so i could take more pewpew before going boom. The fight didn't last very long, the opposing Rifter went down in an explosion of glory... My tech II autocannons has had the last word in this fight.

Shortly after his ship popped, i targeted the pod containing the pilot clone, and shredded it to bits. It instantly triggered a question in my head. Is it right to pod other pilots without asking for a ransom? I'm wondering what real pirates think about it.

There was my first kill experience, if you happen to browse my blog and have some time to share your first kill experience, i would be more than glad to read about it.

Logging off...
Max Gutman

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